Want to know more about Ohio Hardwoods-Maple


Maple trees are probably the most common tree you will see in Ohio. We use Hard Maple, also called Sugar Maple to make our products. The hardness is about 1450 on the Janka scale. These are the same trees that are tapped in the Spring for Maple Syrup. In fact, we make furniture and other pieces from “Taphole Maple” where the holes from sugaring are actually present. We usually plug the holes with contrasting Walnut which makes the boards very attractive. The picture above shows three types of grain you can get in Maple. The Taphole Maple is on the bottom. Shown on top are “Ambrosia” and “Tiger”. These describe the grain and are not different types of trees. Maple is sometimes overlooked for furniture as many people remember it as that old Colonial Maple from the 1950’s. Hard Maple today is prized for it’s beautiful and varied grain figurings.